How is the art market and the world of international collectors experiencing the changes of our technological age?  Olga Simonova founder of ArtLever and expert in luxury objects and artworks throughout Europe and the United States tells us about it

How is the art market and the world of international collectors experiencing the changes of our technological age? Olga Simonova founder of ArtLever and expert in luxury objects and artworks throughout Europe and the United States tells us about it

 ArtonWorld: “In the current market how do traditional collectors react to the digital reality of Cryptoart and NFT production?”

  Olga Simonova: “All collectors share a desire to be possess and experience beauty. Somewhat provocatively, Crytoart and NFT’s have created a new generation and form of art and a community of collectors. The tension between our collective desire to feel, possess, or at least be close to physical beauty -- and the purely ethereal nature of Cryptpart or NFT’s ---provokes thought and reevaluation of what is in fact “real.” As a traditional collector of contemporary art myself as well as the producer of an upcoming possible luxury NFT that will gives access to physical art and fashion, I enjoy that tension".

  “Which sector in the visual arts has the most interest in this period?”

   Olga Simonova: Young, contemporary is always the most interesting and exciting. This generation has even fewer boundaries. The lines are dissolving between sculptures, drawings, performances, all. It’s wonderful because their art absorbs the energy of their generation and transmits it in a pure way that allows them to completely express themselves.

   “You are involved in web marketing, what do you think about multimedia. Communication?”

   Olga Simonova: The social and digital algorithms reward consistency over time. Discipline and a moderate frequency with content that inspires and hooks collectors ”

   “ is the international platform that promotes art, finance with investments, and much more, what do you think of our publishing house?”      

   Olga Simonova: ArtonWorld is dedicated to the world of luxury, beauty and security – those are three of my favorite things.

  Artonworld , p 60



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