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Giorgio De Chirico

il Grande Metafisico

il Grande Metafisico

Regular price €3.200.000,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €3.200.000,00 EUR
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“Il grande metafisico,” exhibited recently in Monza at the Royal Palace 2017. The subject of the work is the enigmatic mannequin by De Chirico who here plays the role of the metaphysician and mathematician adorned with squares, rulers and geometric projection tools, but also with elements of classical culture such as the pediment of a Greek temple, to testify its strong link with the Hellenistic world. A stunning and dominating piece. Master of the current metaphysics, in his art he evokes the surrealist meanings hidden behind everyday life, to the point of going so far as to paint enigmatic scenes of empty cities, menacing statues, mysterious shadows and strange combinations of everyday objects, starting with still life.
View more artworks by: Giorgio De Chirico
Giorgio De Chirico's Artist Profile
Artwork category: Sculptures

Artwork Details

Medium: bronze with patina and gold

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